by C. M. Shifflett
Exercises, tools, and toys for illustrating and honing basic Aikido skills from rolling to specific techniques, with extensive cross-referencing to other writers, other styles, other resources. Page references are provided to standard Aikido textbooks.
Dynamic Sphere translation table translates the notoriously unwieldy numbering system of the otherwise excellent Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere (used by Aikikai and Ki Society styles) into more common dojo terms complete with page references. For example, in real life, "Immobilization #2 against Attack #1" is better known as Katate-tori nikyo. Find this throw on page 180 of
Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere or get details on nikyo itself on pages 174-177. You will also be referred to pages 96-97 of Total Aikido (used by Yoshinkan styles).
Aikido Exercises begins with a collection of common beginners' questions, general directions on class etiquette, explanations of hitori waza / aiki taiso / exercises) and their application to individual techniques, with useful tools for learning and understanding the Japanese terms.
A Brief Ki Class reviews the physics and psychology behind the mystifying ki exercises -- and Aikido techniques. Includes excerpts from Ki in Aikido.
Rolling, Falling, and Flying provides a different slant on Real Self-Defense, and suggestions for safe and effective teaching and leaning of rolling skills. Many readers have commented on this section, especially The Physics of Ukemi by forensic pathologist Wendy Gunther. In Dr. Gunther's world, the intersecting effects of time, force, and affected surface area on bodies are known as "wounding energy."
"I've been looking for that information for 20 years," said one reader. And a writer working on a Hapkido manual wrote to ask permission to reproduce it in its entirety. "I tried to rephrase it," he said, "but could not. [Her essay] is simply the best explanation on the planet of the physics of ukemi."
Resources includes an annotated bibliography of suggested books and films, suppliers, and organizations. For the studies that everyone knows about but can't find (such as the anatomy of wristlocks or Bad Guys sizing up potential victims in 7 seconds by their walk) you may find it here.
Off the Mat in Real Life features a section on verbal self-defense by Dr. Suzette Elgin. Trouble with the boss at work? You know very well that the answer is not a round-house kick or face plant. The late Dr. Elgin, a professor of linguistics and master of verbal self-defense, provides real tools for real self-defense in Real Life.
Glossary of Japanese Terms includes derivations and etymology of words by Japanese Aikidoist Chizuko Suzuki. Chizuko is the lovely lady on the first edition cover (the blue book) and thanks to her, this is not just another derivative copy of a copy of a copy of an old dojo handout.
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